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A large crowd of thousands of people walking together, carrying posters and photos.

“I’m in Pain Every Day”: For Survivors of the Beirut Explosion, It’s Still August 4

“All You Can Do is Adapt to the Pain. And This Pain Isn’t Going Anywhere”
Christina Cavalcanti |

Intertwined electricity and generator cables hang close to the balcony of an apartment in the industrial zone of Beirut

Sound and the Fury: Living With Noise Pollution in Beirut

In the absence of people-centric urban planning and amid systematic neglect from the government, Beirut's residents are exposed to relentless noise pollution. Layla Yammine |

Bruised fruits and kitchen utensils are laid around the green metal column of the Fiat bridge in Beirut.

Life on the Streets of Beirut

Real estate speculation, combined with the absence of state policies to ensure housing as a basic right, created housing precarity well before the economic crisis. Dana Hourany |

A black and white image of the Beirut grain silos which consist of a white concrete building with 14 cylinder shapes. The sea and a boat can be seen in the foreground.

The Beginning and End of Beirut’s Iconic Grain Silos

A photographic history of Beirut’s port grain silos Gioia Sawaya, Marwan Tahtah |

On the left, two old men chat before a mural by Tripoli’s visual artist Ali El Rafei, close to Al Shiraa Square in El Mina. At the top right corner, a picture of politician Ashraf Rifi covers part of the mural.

If These Walls Could Speak

If Tripoli's walls could speak, what would they say? Fátima Fouad el-Samman |